Monday, January 7, 2019

Session 10b: Enter the understudies

Meanwhile, back in a tiny village in the outskirts of Neverwinter, an unwitting group of brigands and rogues sat down to an ale and a hearty stew.   Little did they know that chaos was about to enter their lives in the form of one Leena Littlefoot.  She burst through the tavern doors screaming for help and chased down by fiendish forces from the demonic depths.

Dis, a Paladin of Kord, took up his sword in mighty battle, while Amos drew his shortsword more out of self-preservation than anything else.   Zandalf, whose bloated visage had shut down many a tavern, barely gained consciousness as the fiends attacked.  Luckily for all, Amos and Dis were adept in the arts of the blade, and much ass-kicking ensued.

Promising rich rewards, Leena convinced the newly-formed trio to help her clear out her master Tsargamel's tower of this demonic presence.  That's what happens when you get the bright idea that you want to dissect some demons.  Though their foes were many and cunning, this triumvirate of power (plus Zandalf) defeated the demon hordes and reaped the tower's rewards, including a magical wand and greatsword.

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