Monday, May 13, 2019

Session 24: Mr Roper

After dispatching the giant lizard Amos and Falwell headed to the surface, sending in Leena to help finish exploring the second level of the dwarven ruins.  No one knows where Zandalf is, but drunk in a gutter seems likely.

The party followed the stream north into a large cavern whose walls were decorated with the remains of animals and orcs.  They were examining a poorly constructed door when a pair of Troglodytes, their chameleon-like skin allowing them to blend into the surrounding cavern, surprised them.  The pair were quickly dispatched, having only managed to land a single weak blow to Dis.  As the combat subsided activity could be heard on the other side of the door; what sounded like a hasty attempt at reinforcement.  Not wanting to leave such savage creatures at their backs the door was kicked down and the group marched in.  At the end of a short, narrow cave the area opened up to either side where Troglodytes crouched, waiting.  Even more Troglodytes could be seen farther ahead, barely visible in the dim light.
Shielding the more lightly armored, Gimmelstob and Dis stood in the tunnel's mouth and set to work with axe and sword, Vanekas darting between them to fire arrows.  The battle was looking to be an easy one when another giant lizard appeared, perhaps the spawn of the one they'd defeated earlier, followed by a Troglodyte magic user.  You could tell he was smart, or perhaps just shy, as he was the only one with clothes.

Fearing the might of Kord the newcomers continued the trend of focusing their attacks on our lord's champion.  Dis was downed but Vanekas was able to revive him and the carnage continued, with the lizard and troglodytes on the receiving end of a beat down. 

Their immediate foes defeated, the party headed deeper into the cave, boxing in a group of female Troglodytes hissing over their eggs.  Having proven themselves vicious and sneaky with their preemptive attacks it was an easy decision to root out this evil.  There followed a brief battle, Leena and Vanekas using Burning Hands and Thunderwave to batter the Troglodytes while Gimmelstob and Dis hacked away.  Soon enough there was nothing left but broken eggs and dead enemies.

Consulting their map the party noticed a stretch of stream by the entrance that was unexplored and headed back that way to complete their cartographic endeavors.  Rounding a bend in the stream they came upon an alcove with the mouldering corpse of a dwarf.  Again the group was surprised when a group of stirges descended from the ceiling, one latching on to Dis.  Leena promptly put the lot of them to sleep and they were unceremoniously crushed.

Having completed the exploration of the second level the group went outside to rest for the night before heading down a spiral staircase to the 3rd level.  They came out in a large cavern with a waterfall to the west, a large wooden door to the east and a short cave heading south.  Wanting to clear out the open spaces first they headed south.  Crossing a short bridge spanning a fast moving stream they came upon a door leading to a gallery of cut-stone rooms.  The floor was flooded with evil smelling water which Gimmelstob jumped across with his boots of striding to explore the area.  At the far end was another corpse, half submerged in the water.  To examine it Gimmelstob was forced to enter the water but seemed none the worse for wear.

Heading east along the stream the party climbed a curving stairway and came out in another cave.  On the other side of the stream was a suspicious looking stalagmite.  As they prepared to fill it with arrows and crossbow bolts it burst to life, grabbing Leena, Dis and Gimmelstob.  Vanekas was able to elude its grasp and ran further into the chamber to get out of tentacle range while still allowing him to shoot the beast with arrows.  The 'roper' proved to be a hardy foe, with many a well struck blow bouncing off its thick hide.  By the grace of Kord, Dis was able to land a mighty smite, thereafter gaining the creature's undivided attention.  The two traded attacks in a battle that was worthy of song.  In the end Dis lay unconscious in its grasp and the creature was at death's door when Leena burned the last sliver of life out of it.

Having had enough for the time being the party limped out of the ruins and headed back to town.

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